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Impossible Pie

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So I finally got around to making impossible pie. As the meme says the hint is in the word impossible " I'm possible". When you see this pie or even read the recipe it doesn't seem like it will work.

I only ever remember my Nanna making this once when I was about 10. We had it for dessert one night, after we had finished Nanna asked my brother and I how we thought she had made it. Rowan and I spent a rather frustrating half an hour throwing suggestions at her. Eventually she put us out of our misery and told us how it was made and totally blew our minds!

I had had a hankering for impossible pie for a while, eventually I looked in Nanna's recipe book and there it was, just as simple to make as she had said all those years ago...

The beauty of this recipe is you just mix it all up and pour the batter into the cooking dish and as if by magic the flour sinks to the bottom, the eggs and milk form the custard filling and the coconut rises to the top, creating a lovey crust.


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