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There is lots of talk about reducing the amount of food waste that goes on in the world. From reducing the amount of food that we throw away to utilising all of an animal, not just the popular prime cuts that we know and love.

I am a huge advocate of educating yourself on which part of the animal the different cuts of meat come from. When you have an understanding of which part of the body and muscle group each cut is from, your understanding on how it needs to be cooked is all the better.

Having recently butchered a pig, we had a pigs head in the freezer (that's totally normal right?!...)The ears were roasted off and given to the dogs, which left us with the rest of the head.... Needing to clear space in the freezer we decided to make brawn, which is also known as potted meat or head cheese.

The head was brined and then boiled up until the meat was falling off the bone along with a couple of trotters. I can see some of you recoiling in horror and disgust at the though of using trotters, but for this particular dish they are vitally important as the gelatine that they contain is what creates the jelly to set the meat.

Once the meat has cooled down enough to handle pick the meat from the bone and gristle and finely chop it (the dogs got the left over skin, fat and gristle). Strain the cooking liquid and let it reduce down on the cooker. Line a loaf tin with clingfilm and put the chopped meat in then pour over the cooking liquid until it just comes to below the top of the meat. Any left over stock can be frozen ready to use in other cold set pies. Allow this to cool down a bit, then pull the cling film edges over the top and weigh it down and chill in the fridge. To serve, cut slices and have it with crackers, chutney and cheese.

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